Making progress on the more modular design, though it’s taken a lot of time to get here, exterior is “done” starting on components; wheel and encoder in there, need to design a mount for it, next is the analog thumb-stick and hat switches on the opposite (blue) side, buttons on the front (orange), small analog nub from a PSP somewhere in there etc. Colors for easy identification of parts, will all print in white ABS. Screws are modeled using a method I just came up with, it’s the screw, screw head and nut all in one with a tiny amount of clearance to work once printed, just place the combined dumb-bell shaped object and model around it, subtract and tada, working screw hole with sunk screw head and nut, before I did it one component at a time and had to measure the hole to figure out which length of screw would fit or if I had to adjust. This saves a lot of time.